Thursday, February 16, 2006

Union clearly hates children, workers.

Bus drivers are on strike- with support from State Infrastructure Minister Bryan Green (ALP). Thankfully, it’s only a fifteen-minute walk to work for me, but dozens of parents now have to get their children to school without Metro. For many of the State’s young’ens, that’s probably a blessing, but for Tasmanian businesses (and Government departments), chances are productivity will drop- if only a little. Parents will be arriving late for work, and any employees using public transport will be forced to walk or catch a taxi.

So why the protest? Deep down, it's because the Union hates children, and workers. On top of this, there is also the issue of money. Metro bus drivers want more of the stuff, and perhaps rightly so. The folks over at the ‘Rail, Bus and Tram Union’ argue that; interstate drivers [are] paid between $19 and $25 an hour, with the current Metro rate of $16.39 well below that.

Pay rates, however, should be looked at on an individual basis, to ensure efficient and hard working employees are given greater rewards, rather than allowing consumers and the State to fork out extra cash for workers who are below standards (assuming Metro have any standards).

Still, I could accept the strike- although with much rage- if Metro were a private company dealing with their employees. But life is never so simple. Metro is a publicly owned company, and thus has a duty to the public. This includes ensuring Tasmanian children get to school, and employees get to work. If Metro employees don't like it- start your own goddamn bus company at your expense, not mine.

The Tas Lib’s said that school transport chaos could have been avoided had the State Government become more involved in the dispute earlier.

Given the public ownership of Metro, such intervention is well justified- despite Labor's claims this would have been ‘meddling’. It's odd how Labor will happily get involved in private businesses and dealings, but not with any public companies- unless to throw bags of tax-dollars at a pet project.

Thankfully the strike ends Friday.

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