Sunday, February 26, 2006


According to some, post-Soviet Russia is still a dangerous place to invest. This is especially upsetting when noting the vast oil resources that lay untapped, or inefficiently drilled.

“Nothing is ever safe in today’s Russia. The authorities can take away property whenever they like […]”

Economic interests and Egyptian culture are being ignored by the Commonwealth, following what the producers no doubt thought was a wonderful ‘exposé’ from 60 minutes.

The Irish have less serious issues concerning ‘animal welfare’- including five-pound poodle licences.

Semester one classes at the University of Tasmania start Monday. For first year students- see here. What the UTAS site doesn’t say, though, is that you should avoid walking past the Morris Miller Library, lest you have to go near Socialist Alliance supporters who congregate like zombies hunting for flesh (or various mind-altering drugs). The Socialist Alliance is packed with dodos who need to get a job and pay their way in society.

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